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Buy 4F-BCA Online The identification of 4F-BCA comes from the already existing synthetic cannabinoids.  It is abbreviated as 4-fluoro-BCA and is encountered both in liquid and solid form. Originally known as a stimulant and belongs to the cannabinoid indazole family. A constituent of herbal plant mixture and is available online as a designer drug.  No specific and straightforward method is known for its preparation.

It is a strong research chemical and not valid for human consumption. It appears that the effects of 4F-BCA are similar to other cannabinoids. Researchers and chemists can buy 4F-BCA for testing, research, and forensic applications.

Buy 4F-BCA Online


General pharmacology of 4F-BCA

Generally, 4F-BCA is a constituent of the cannabinoid category. It was created as a replacement to 4F-ADB.  The effects induced by 4F-BCA are similar to 4F-ADB and 5F-ADB. In the cannabinoid drug market, it is introduced as a new research chemical only intended for research purposes. It is a great substituent for both 5F-ADB and 4f-adb.  Buy 4F-BCA for sale online with 99 % purity from Chemical frog.

You can either smoke or eat 4F-BCA as it available both in liquid and solid forms.

The molecular formula of 4F-BCA is C23H22FN3O. Apparently, it is a yellow powdered research chemical.  Store it in dry and cool places for long term uses.



Buy 4F-BCA Online

  • 4F-BCA is abbreviated as 4-fluoro-BCA and is encountered both in liquid and solid form. 4F-BCA is an indazole based drug and a constituent of cannabinoid category. It is highly active and potent drug.  It binds with the brain CB1 receptors and slows down its functioning. This chemical drug is manufactured only for research purposes and there are no other medical and domestic uses.

    High dosage can cause vomiting, nausea, visual impairment, hallucination, upset stomach, irregular heartbeats, sleeping problems and neurological disorders. You can buy 4F-BCA powder powder for sale online and research applications.

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